How to Create a New User

Jul 11, 2024 | FAQ

Creating a new user within Drip7 is as easy as a few clicks!

1. Navigate to the “Users” tab in the Admin Portal.

2. Select “Create a New User” from the button choices in the top right corner.

3. Add the user’s information, including Full Name, Email Address, and potential groups associated using the fields provided. Make sure to monitor the user’s access level (Admin will grant the user privileges into the Admin portal functionality!) and adjust accordingly.

—– If the “Welcome Email” checkbox is checked on, the user will receive an email inviting them to hop into the platform and get started. If the box is unchecked, they will not receive a welcome email.

4. Save the User with the “Save Changes” button in the bottom right corner.

5. User can now create a password and enter the platform via the link in their welcome email, or by using the “Forgot Password” option on their designated login home screen and requesting a reset to their associated email address.

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