Q&A with AI Part III: The Trouble with Phishing…

Aug 11, 2023 | Uncategorized

Phishing simulation tests can be tricky for employees

“The Q&A with an AI Series” was inspired while working with an AI on cybersecurity. The team at Drip7 wanted to know what AI “thought” about certain issues and the information it would gather if asked a more conversational question. What resulted, instead of being turned into an “article” that anyone would claim credit for creating, has inspired a version of “Ask Miss Manners” but with an AI about cybersecurity. We at Drip7 hope you enjoy the humor of asking technology about technology and getting feedback to help improve cybersecurity from the same tool that is making the job of cybercriminals easier. 

Drip7 Asked: Phishing simulation tests can be seen as a company trying to trick its employees. They can feel like a breach of trust. Additionally, employees can feel like punitive actions are taken against them if they fail a phishing test. What are some ways to avoid this? Or what are alternatives to phishing simulation tests?

AI Answered: You make a valid point that phishing simulation tests can sometimes be seen as a breach of trust and can create a punitive environment if not implemented properly. Here are some ways to avoid this and some alternatives to consider:

  1. Provide clear communication: It’s important to provide clear communication to employees about the purpose of the phishing simulation tests and the benefits of the training. Emphasize that the goal is to improve the organization’s overall security posture and that the test is not meant to punish or embarrass employees.
  2. Use positive reinforcement: Instead of punishment, consider using positive reinforcement to encourage good security behavior. This can be in the form of rewards or recognition for employees who demonstrate good security practices.
  3. Educate employees: Provide regular cybersecurity awareness training that emphasizes the importance of identifying and reporting phishing attempts. This can help employees feel more confident and prepared to identify real phishing attempts.
  4. Use realistic scenarios: When conducting phishing simulation tests, use realistic scenarios that employees are likely to encounter. This can help the tests feel less like a breach of trust and more like a valuable training opportunity.
  5. Consider alternative methods: Instead of phishing simulation tests, consider using other methods to test employee knowledge of cybersecurity best practices. This can include quizzes, games, or other interactive training materials.

It’s important to remember that cybersecurity awareness training should be a positive and constructive experience for employees. By taking steps to avoid a punitive environment and emphasizing the importance of training, organizations can create a culture of security awareness that benefits everyone.

For the most part, we agree with GPT. Especially tip number five!

When it comes to training your employees on cybersecurity, the last thing you want to do is break their trust. As a manager or director, you also don’t want to stress out your employees.

Drip7 training offers a different, more effective take on classic cybersecurity training.

You can read all of the parts of this series here:

Q&A with AI Part I: Measuring the Effectiveness of Cybersecurity Awareness Programs
Q&A with AI Part II: The Time Cybersecurity Takes…
Q&A with AI Part III: The Trouble with Phishing…

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